After hearing a Prolife 101 presentation by ARPA Canada at her school this winter, Debbie Hofsink, a student at Ebenezer school in Smithers, went home and penned this poem:
One hundred thousand crosses upon a darkened hill;
One hundred thousand children who will evermore be still;
One hundred thousand children who could not voice their pleas…
One hundred thousand crosses that no one really sees.
One hundred thousand babies who will never see the day;
One hundred thousand children who will never laugh or play;
One hundred thousand infants who were silenced this past year –
One hundred thousand infants killed, yet did we shed a tear?
Every day that passes, another small one dies;
Murder after murder, and we just avert our eyes.
We’ve become immune to guilty feelings that belong
In our hearts when we hear of this deed so clearly wrong.
We convince ourselves that all is fine and good and right,
That we’re not affected, for the issue’s out of sight.
We purposefully do not think about the price that’s paid,
About the resulting bloodshed because of choices made.
Our ears need to be opened to the cry of the preborn,
To the cries of babes who from their mothers’ wombs are torn.
We need to stop aborting those who have no say at all,
And ask forgiveness for these sins before we further fall.