
Get Ready for Life Week!



April 24, 2023
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On May 11 (Victoria, Ottawa, Edmonton) and May 12 (Toronto), we’ll be standing alongside other pro-lifers at the annual Marches for Life. We would love for you to join us!

A huge part of the march is the signage we carry. There are few opportunities to talk to those who see the march, but the signs let everyone know why we march. We’ve had a few requests for recommended slogans for homemade signs, so we thought we’d compile them here for anyone to use! Remember to write bigger than you think you need to with dark colours and strong lines for your words to show up well from a distance.

These marches focus on the value of life from conception to natural death, making a statement against both abortion and euthanasia. In connection with that, these wording suggestions support both our We Need a Law and Care Not Kill campaigns.

Sign Slogan Ideas – Abortion

  • Human rights for all, no matter how small
  • Human rights begin in the womb
  • Canada: the only democracy with NO abortion law
  • Abortion is not a right. LIFE is.
  • Protect pre-born children
  • We need a law!

Sign Slogan Ideas – Euthanasia

  • Euthanasia is not a solution for mental illness
  • Ability, age, and location do not determine worth. We are ALL valuable.
  • Suicide prevention, NOT suicide assistance.
  • NO to euthanasia for mental illness.
  • Stop the expansion of euthanasia
  • CARE don’t kill

If you aren’t able to attend a March for Life this year, consider making a sign anyway to hang in your window the week of May 7-13 in connection with Life Week. We did this during Covid when marches were cancelled, and it was a fantastic way to start conversations right in our own neighbourhoods. Sidewalk chalk and window paint also work great for at-home versions!

If you have effective slogans you think should be added to the list, we’d love to hear from you! We also love to see your signs in action. If you make a sign for this year’s march, snap a picture and tag us on social media, or email it to us at [email protected] for sharing. Action inspires action!

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