
Euthanasia Phone Script



February 10, 2016

**Phone Script**

Hello [MP],
As you are aware, there is incredible pressure right now to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide. 
Once the right to life becomes subjective, it becomes impossible to enact safe-guards. If one person has a “right” to die because of how they feel about their condition, why can’t someone else? Suddenly it becomes the government’s duty to kill all those who want it. At the same time, everyone else who qualifies (because of a disability etc) suddenly has to justify their existence in the face of a law that would allow them to be killed for no other reason than their disability.
Your Ottawa office should have received a package from ARPA Canada regarding a legal analysis of this issue. You can also find it on ARPA’s website. If Parliament uses this option it has the means to continue to protect human life and prohibit assisted suicide without invoking section 33 of the Charter.
I would also encourage you to support palliative and compassionate end-of-life care rather than euthanasia. A Parliamentary caucus has been formed called the Canadian Parliamentary Committee on Palliative and Compassionate Care for MPs who are working towards this very goal. I encourage you to join this caucus and promote genuine human dignity in Canada.
Can you please share with me what you plan to do to protect human life and prohibit any measures that would challenge this?


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