
A Renewed Parliament for Canada



October 15, 2008

leafElection 2008 has resulted in a Parliament that looks very similar to the previous one. The Conservatives have a new mandate to govern. The Liberals losses have translated into some gains for the Conservatives and NDP but otherwise there have been few changes. The Green Party failed to achieve a seat. The Christian Heritage Party seems to have maintained its meager position, in sixth place as a party but far behind the fifth place Greens in popular vote.

All of that is visible and obvious. What is not visible is all of the excellent work that has gone on behind the scene in towns and cities across the country by Christians who care about this country. Kudos to those brave individuals who ran for office, to those who volunteered and donated towards quality candidates, and to those who informed their churches and communities about where their candidates stood on the issues. Your efforts have made a big difference, even if it may not be visible.

Unfortunately about a dozen key pro-life and pro-family MP’s have retired. It looks like a few have also lost their seats. It remains uncertain where the new MP’s stand. Voter turn-out has not been confirmed yet but it looks like it has reached a historic low. All of this is leading to more voices in favour of proportional representation, which generally increases voter turn-out and results in a Parliament that better reflects Canadians. May God bless this 40th Parliament so that justice can reign in this land.  

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