
Polygamy Concerns Brought to Ottawa



March 9, 2009

ARPA Note: Our director was able to take in the presentation by Charles McVety and Farzana Hassan (see picture on right) while in Ottawa last week for the ARPA event. The speakers did a good job of highlighting the dangers associated with the legalization of polygamy, but also made the point that the current legal perspective on marriage has opened up the doors to this.

[The National Post has a related article here.]

NEWS RELEASE, March 4, 2009, Ottawa

Canada Family Action Coalition ( CFAC)
Institute for Canadian Values (ICV)
Muslim Canadian Congress

Concerns that the federal government may allow the legalization of polygamy are deepening.

A poll conducted by Compas Research for CFAC shows that 85% of Canadians do not want the government to legalize polygamy.

Farzana Hassan, President of the Muslim Canadian Congress, says, “I oppose polygamy in Canada in that if legalized there will be tremendous negative ramifications on women from a social and religious standpoint.”

Dr. Charles McVety, President of ICV, said, “It appears that judges are once again going to redefine marriage to include polygamy. Last time the government changed the definition of marriage, over 1 million Canadians protested but it was a day late and a dollar short. This time around, Canadians need to call upon the Government to protect women and children from the scourge of polygamy.”

Brian Rushfeldt, Executive Director of CFAC, predicts legal chaos and lawlessness. He said, “if the ‘any two persons” definition of marriage is unconstitutional, then no legal parameter can be set, therefore marriage cannot be written in law. That means immigration law, divorce law, tax law and even family law will have to be rescinded and fully rewritten. The fiscal, legal and social chaos will be massive.”

The control and oppression of women and children is not a Canadian way therefore the government must use all means to prevent the legalization of polygamy, bigamy and other multi-partnered relationships.

CFAC is asking Canadians to call their MPs and insist that the Conservative government legislate no further change to the definition, even if it requires Section 33 “notwithstanding” use.

For interviews contact : Dr. Charles McVety  – 416-456-0096
             : Brian Rushfeldt – 403- 519-1497
             : Farzana Hassan – 647-504-5650

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