
Albrecht’s Motion 388 Passes Unanimously!



November 19, 2009

ARPA Note: It is very good news to see the huge support for Motion 388. Mr. Albrecht kindly did a video interview with ARPA Canada about this issue, encouraging everyone at our recent events to contact their MP in support of it. The passing of this is especially encouraging given the private member’s bill in our House of Commons that proposes to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide. Consider sending a note to Mr. Albrecht, thanking him for his efforts with this motion ([email protected]). 

By Linda Nguyen, Canwest News Service, Nov 18/09: A motion that overwhelmingly passed in the House of Commons Wednesday is the first step toward a bill seeking to clarify in the Criminal Code that helping or encouraging anyone over the Internet to commit suicide is illegal. The motion passed by a 230-0 margin. Harold Albrecht, a Conservative MP from Ontario who put it forward, said he was “pleasantly surprised” it received so much support. [Keep reading this article here.]

Life, Motion 388: Suicide Prevention Email Us 

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