
Video: Canadian Aboriginals Offer Forgiveness to Canada and PM Harper



June 14, 2010

OTTAWA, June 10 /CNW/ – Thousands of Aboriginal individuals are assembling in Ottawa to release this weekend the forgiveness that Prime Minister Stephen Harper requested in 2008. The Prime Minister concluded his apology for Indian Residential Schools by requesting “the forgiveness of the aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them so profoundly.”

“At that moment” says Chief Kenny Blacksmith, “the onus was placed on our people as individuals to respond. The only way to come into our full healing as the First Peoples of Canada is to forgive. Forgiveness is not political; it cannot be bought or sold; it cannot be legislated. It is an individual choice that can break the generational cycle of victimization and accusation.” [Keep read this article, and learn more about this gathering, here. Read EFC’s thoughts here.]

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