
Ontario Human Rights Commission Proudly Promoting the Gay Agenda



July 28, 2010

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski, TORONTO, July 27, 2010 ( – The recent release of the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s annual report shows that the OHRC is activity promoting the homosexualist agenda in schools and elsewhere. Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall prefaced the report with the statement: “Our work can be summed up in three words: educate, empower and act – actions that can transform written rights into lived rights.”

To that end, the OHRC says it is working hard to bring its message of “inclusiveness” to children in school.

Under the heading of “Talking human rights, one school at a time,” the OHRC says that, “Working with educators is key to our goal of an inclusive school system for all of Ontario’s children.”

In the past year Hall visited Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School in Thunder Bay and Holy Name Catholic High School in Windsor with this message of “inclusiveness.” The OHRC also gave input and materials to EGALE Canada, a homosexual advocacy organization, to support its Safe Schools initiatives and its new website promoting homosexuality to youth and educators.

Under the guise of helping students with developmental disabilities and children from various ethnic backgrounds feel comfortable in their school environment, the OHRC has focused a great deal of its energy on promoting the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy (Equity Strategy), which has been highly controversial due to its heavy emphasis on acceptance of homosexuality as “normal.”

“While the Equity Strategy is being implemented, we continue to provide support to key stakeholders like the Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC), the Ministry of Education, Inclusive Education Branch and Regional Equity and Inclusive Education Networks,” the report states.

Internal activities at the OHRC included “training all OHRC staff and Commissioners on understanding sexual orientation and gender identity,” and having its staff volunteer with “the OPS (Ontario Public Service) Pride Network to deliver its ‘Let’s Start With Words’ training on appropriate LGBT terminology and workplace issues.” Staff members also “contributed to develop its new Positive Space program.”

Hall also said that the OHRC had begun a project on how to resolve competing human rights claims.

The report gives as examples of competing human rights when “a person who is blind and uses a service dog wants to take a taxi, but the taxi driver’s religious beliefs lead him to not allow dogs in his car,” or when “a marriage commissioner refuses to perform a marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple, because it would be contrary to her religious beliefs.”

“What do we do in cases like these, when rights related to one Code ground seem to conflict with those of another ground?” the rhetorical question is asked.

“The OHRC is doing some policy work to find answers.”

In her remarks on the work of the OHRC in the past year, Chief Commissioner Hall thanked all the partners that helped convey their message of “inclusivity and diversity.”

The full text of the OHRC annual report is available here.

See related LSN articles:

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‘Equity’: Ontario School Board Nixes Christian References in Policy

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Freedom of Religion, Homosexuality, Human Rights Commission, Ontario Email Us 

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