As the federal parties head into an election campaign, join us in asking them questions on various issues of concern to Reformed Christians in Canada. Some key issues, relevant history, and example questions are listed below.
(Medical Assistance in Dying/MAiD)
More than 60,000 Canadians have died by euthanasia since it was legalized in 2016. Expansion of euthanasia to those with mental illness as their sole underlying medical condition is currently scheduled for March 2027.
While we would like to see euthanasia prohibited entirely, focus on asking each party to repeal the mental illness expansion and the expansion of euthanasia to people who are not dying.
Talking Points
• Canada needs to promote suicide prevention and life-affirming care for all.
• Offering euthanasia as a “solution” for disability or chronic illness devalues the lives of those living with these conditions and reduces incentives to improve treatments.
• Do you agree that all Canadians should be provided with suicide prevention and life-affirming care, regardless of age, disability, or mental health?
• Are you opposed to expanding euthanasia to Canadians with mental illness?
• Will you prohibit euthanasia for Canadians who are not nearing natural death?

Pornography destroys relationships and makes sexual violence and abuse commonplace and acceptable. Two recent bills that would have protected minors from being depicted in or having access to online pornography failed to pass prior to the prorogation of Parliament in 2025.
Ask candidates if they will protect children through age-verification laws and hold pornography companies accountable for breaking the law.
Talking Points
• Pornography is addictive, causing similar changes to the brain as highly addictive drugs.
• Pornography is closely linked to sex trafficking.
• Other countries, including the UK, France, and multiple U.S. states, are implementing age-verifications laws to protect children from pornography.
• The government must hold pornography and social media companies accountable for making pornography accessible to children.
• In what ways would you support the federal government limiting online pornography?
• How will you and your party seek to protect children from accessing online pornography?
• How will you seek to protect women and girls from the exploitation of pornography?
Canada has had no law restricting abortion for 37 years. Since abortion was legalized in Canada, more than 4 million pre-born children have lost their lives to abortion. It is our responsibility to continue calling for justice for pre-born children who cannot speak for themselves.
The goal of ARPA’s We Need a Law campaign is to establish a law restricting abortion and recognizing the humanity of pre-born children.
Talking Points
• Canada is the only country in the world with no legal restrictions on abortion.
• Canada should be a country free from all forms of discrimination, including based on location, age, or sex. Abortion discriminates in all these ways.
• Science is clear that life begins at conception, yet our law is not. Our law needs to reflect the scientific fact that life begins at conception and protect pre-born children.
• Did you know that Canada is the only country that has no legal restrictions on abortion?
• Would you support legislation that would ban sex-selective or late term abortions?
• Would you support a law that would give tougher sentences to criminals who assaulted a pregnant woman?

Hate Speech
In 2013, Canada repealed the hate speech provision of the Canadian Human Rights Act. This provision had often been used to bring complaints against Christians for bringing the truth of God’s Word to bear on political issues. In the last session of Parliament, the government tried not only to bring back this provision but greatly expand penalties for hate crimes in the Online Harms Act.
Request of candidates that their party not re-introduce a hate speech provision into the Canadian Human Rights Act.
Talking Points
• One of the four fundamental freedoms in Canada is the freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression. We should expand freedom of speech rather than limiting it.
• The former hate speech provisions in the Canadian Human Rights Act allowed all sorts of frivolous and ridiculous complaints.
• The Online Harms Act would have allowed for people to be imprisoned for life for a hate crime in a time when far worse crimes seem to go virtually unpunished.
• Are you opposed to the re-introduction of a hate speech provision into the Canadian Human Rights Act?
• What will your party do to protect freedom of speech?
In 2021, Parliament unanimously banned conversion therapy with Bill C-4. This banned “any practice, treatment, or service” designed to change someone’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. It also claims Christian views of gender and sexuality are “myths and stereotypes.” The government of Canada established a plan in 2022 to spend $100 million to support LGBTQ organizations and promote gender ideology.
Canada’s conversion therapy ban must be repealed.
Talking Points
• Gender ideology simply isn’t true. It ignores basic biological distinctions between male and female. Governments should not be promoting gender ideology.
• The conversion therapy ban is absurdly broad. It bans trying to convince someone to change their behaviour and covers even conversations with counsellors or pastors.
• The conversion therapy ban threatens Canadians who encourage a traditional or Christian view of sex/gender in medicine or psychiatry with time in prison.
• Do you think it’s the government’s place to promote modern gender ideology?
• Would you commit to voting for legislation that would repeal Canada’s conversion therapy ban?

How Can You Get Involved?
Pick one of the questions that resonates with you and reach out to your local candidate. Here’s how you can make your voice heard:
- Be Ready at the Door: Print off the attached PDF. When candidates come knocking, you’ll be prepared.
- Send an Email: Reach out directly to your candidates to see how they respond to your question.
- Call Their Campaign Office: A quick call can leave a lasting impression.
- Attend a Candidate Debate: Engage directly with candidates and raise your question during Q&A sessions.
- Visit an Open House: Your candidates will have various open meetings for voters that you can attend. Take a moment to ask them a question.
Download the questions below.
The 2025 Federal Election Podcast
Every Tuesday during the campaign, we will release a short podcast episode discussing the election campaign, chatting about the issues at stake in the election, and doing all that we can to educate, equip, and encourage Reformed Christians in Canada to cast an informed ballot.
The first episode will launch Tuesday, March 25th.
All-Candidates Meetings are opportunities for local candidates and local voters to directly interact. Rather than simply hearing party leaders make promises, voters at all-candidates meetings can get to know the personal values and positions of their local candidates. Organizing all-candidates meetings are excellent opportunities for churches and Christians to focus discussion on key issues that matter to them, such as free speech, family law and conscience rights. We hope that this guide will help churches, ARPA chapters, and other Christian organizations host an all-candidates meeting of their own and positively shape the public discourse around election time.