You are going to love participating in an ARPA Chapter!
Working together with local, similar-minded individuals, in carrying out the mission of ARPA Canada can be rewarding and encouraging.
If you are would like to learn more about what is involved please contact a provincial manager nearest you!
Contact us today!
Ed Hoogerdyk
Alberta Manager
Ed Hoogerdyk recently concluded a career in education that spanned twenty-eight years. He last served as principal of Tyndale Christian School in Calgary, AB for sixteen years. His previous teaching experience was in Coaldale, Alberta; Yarrow, British Columbia; Kelmscott, Australia; and Carman, Manitoba before arriving in Calgary.
Ed is responsible for mobilizing our grassroots in Alberta through effective political action and bringing a solid Christian perspective to members of the Alberta legislature. By God’s grace, it is Ed’s hope and prayer that his experience and passion for education will motivate ARPA’s constituents in Alberta to boldly and respectfully take a stand for their parental rights to educate their children in God’s ways.
Ed is also the contact person for the grassroots, chapter members, and school clubs in Manitoba.
Contact Ed at [email protected]
Levi Minderhoud
BC Manager
Levi Minderhoud joined the ARPA staff in June of 2019 as ARPA’s first British Columbia Manager. He is dedicated to raising the political activity and knowledge of Reformed Christians in British Columbia, bringing a Christian worldview to members of the British Columbia legislature, and developing public policy from a Christian perspective.
Prior to joining ARPA on a full-time basis, Levi already had political and policy experience elsewhere. He has a bachelor’s degree from Dordt University in political science, business, and economics and a Master’s of Public Policy degree from Simon Fraser University. He interned with a Member of Parliament (the late MP Mark Warawa) and within a federal department (Transport Canada). He also assisted in leading a local ARPA chapter (ARPA Fraser Valley East).
Levi and his wife Jillian currently live in Abbotsford.
Contact Levi at [email protected]
Ryan Mans
Ontario Manager
Prior to joining ARPA Canada in February 2021, Ryan spent over 10 years in marketing and visual communications. During that time the mission was to help clients tell their unique stories by merging truth and beauty in a compelling way – in a way that helped people engage with brands in a more meaningful way.
As Ontario Manager at ARPA Canada, the stories may be different, but the principle is the same. Ryan will look to use the truth and beauty of the gospel to encourage the grassroots Reformed community to engage politically and bring a biblical perspective to our elected officials at the Ontario Legislature.
Ryan, his wife Melanie, and their four children live in Southern Ontario.
Contact Ryan at [email protected]
Colin Postma
Federal Issues Manager
As Federal Issues Manager, Colin is primarily responsible for educating, equipping, and encouraging ARPA Canada’s constituents for political action on issues of federal jurisdiction. This includes organizing federal grassroots action campaigns, speaking, presenting, research and communication about federal issues, and organizing national conferences and government relations events in Ottawa. Colin also hosts and produces ARPA Canada’s weekly Quick Updates production.
Colin has an Honours Bachelor degree in Political Science and History Double Major which he obtained from McMaster University. His specialization in Canadian History and Politics involved research on such varied topics as Contemporary Security, Aboriginal Politics and History, Canadian Federalism, and early Canadian History.
Prior to joining the staff of ARPA Canada, Colin was involved with the Hamilton Area ARPA group since its inception in 2011 (as board chair for 2014-2015). Colin and his family live in Gatineau.
Contact Colin at [email protected]