The Child, Youth, and Family Enhancement Act was amended in December, 2018 as per Bill 22: An Act for Strong Families Building Stronger Communities. Alberta’s family law includes very concerning language that must be corrected and improved. The new Act inserted gender identity ideology into the law for child and family services, removed foundational language about the family, and has removed important safeguards pertaining to government intervention.
Please participate in our We are family campaign! We’re asking you to commit to action items that are focussed on changes to Family Law. The first call to action is called: Family Reunion. We’re asking you to contact your MLA to introduce your family and request that they make family law their top priority.
You’ll be sending your MLA an Easymail. Rather than provide you with snippets to copy, paste, and tweak, we’ve given you a few talking points that you can use to write a brief message on an Easymail that can be sent to your MLA. It’s super easy and will go a long way in building a relationship with your MLA.
Click Easymail Button below and simply follow the prompts.