3-Way Race for CHP Leadership

The Christian Heritage Party 2008 Convention is scheduled for November 5-8 in London, Ontario. And it is looking to be an exciting event given that the party has to choose a new leader in a three-way race. Ron Gray, current leader of the party, has taken the CHP a long way over the past 13 years. But he has decided that it is time to take this hat off and spend more time with his family.
In the race for the next leader are three men, all who have a history of involvement with the party. Jim Hnatiuk, from Nova Scotia, is the current deputy leader of the CHP and was the first to announce his leadership intentions. Harold Ludwig has a history of involvement in politics that goes all the way back to being the first to start an ARPA group in Ontario back in 1978. Rod Taylor, who hails from Smithers BC, has represented the party there in the past two elections and is a passionate believer in promoting justice and righteousness in our land.