72% of Canadians want legal protections for the unborn: poll

ARPA note: With numbers this strong, it is very clear that Canada should be able to advance legislation that restricts abortion. Read a new (and detailed) ARPA article that makes the case for reducing abortion in Canada here.
OTTAWA, Ontario, October 28, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A new Environics poll shows that 72% of Canadians want legal protection for children in the womb, with 28% supporting protections from conception. The national pro-life educational group LifeCanada, which commissioned the poll, says it is further evidence that Canadians oppose the status quo of state-funded abortion-on-demand and are calling on the government to act immediately.
“There is clearly a considerable gulf between government policies on abortion and Canadians’ opinions,” said LifeCanada President Monica Roddis. “Canadians strongly oppose abortion being legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy and they don’t want to pay for them except in exceptional circumstances.”
“Yet our governments refuse to deal with this issue,” she continued. “They won’t reopen the debate as they like to say. Is that because the more Canadians consider this issue, the more likely they are to disagree with the status quo?” Keep reading