A Thousand Attend Ottawa Rally Demanding Order of Canada to Abortionist be Revoked

“Revoke the Award and Change Advisory Council,” say Protestors
OTTAWA, July 9, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) – “Revoke the award, absolutely no question – but it is not enough,” said spokesperson Angelina Steenstra. Today, in front of the Governor General’s residence, a thousand people gathered to protest the Order of Canada award to Henry Morgentaler, and the conflictive interest with the revocation process.
Although cloudy, hot and humid, no rain fell on the demonstrators who held signs reading: REVOKE, “We Desire A Better Country” and “Henry Morgentaler made a killing off our generation please don’t honor him”. Banners read: “Abortion is a crime against humanity.”
The crowd was calm and subdued. There was a significant media presence as well.
Steenstra, speaking on behalf of Campaign Life Coalition, and as co-founder of “Silent No More Awareness”, a post-abortion outreach, stated that, “… the very advisory council that recommended Henry Morgentaler receive the award, also evaluates requests for its revocation. That is unacceptable; this obvious conflict of interest must change.”
She added that giving the highest Canadian award to an individual who, for 40 years, has earned his living – not by saving babies, but by aborting them – causes national division. “Henry Morgentaler has not consoled the thousands of Canadian mothers and fathers who are still suffering … and he is unrepentant.”
She insisted that if the Governor General does not appoint an independent council to handle the revocation process, then the Prime Minister and members of parliament must ensure that a change take place. Steenstra argued, “Without this change, the same division could arise again next year.
The crowd lined Sussex Drive in front of the Prime Minister’s and Governor General’s residences. Surrounded by supporters and signs, Steenstra led all in prayer for the conversion of Henry Morgentaler and for the healing of the nation.
Many supporters approached her after the presentation and thanked her and Campaign Life Coalition for their clear direction on how the government should act in the midst of this divisive award selection.
Steenstra told the media that CLC will be monitoring the Governor General’s decisions closely in this regard over the coming days and weeks. She concluded by stating, “This debasing of the Order of Canada award and our nation, must end immediately.”