Aboriginal MP elected chair of Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus

For Immediate Release: December 11, 2008
WINNIPEG -MP Rod Bruinooge says he is “honoured and grateful” to be elected as the new chair of the multi-party Parliamentary Pro-Life Caucus (PPLC). The 35-year-old MP from Winnipeg South takes over from MP Maurice Vellacott of Saskatoon-Wanuskewin who held the position for the past eight years.
“I am honoured to chair a caucus that doesn’t shy away from this vital issue,” says Bruinooge. “Many Canadians share our reverence for life, and those concerns need to be represented.”
As an Aboriginal MP, Rod says his roots play a role in his pro-life view. “Respect for life is paramount to my Aboriginal culture,” he explains. “Respect for the unborn was passed on to me by my Aboriginal elders and I believe in keeping that tradition alive.”
Members of the PPLC owe a debt of gratitude to Vellacott, who has tirelessly spoken out on behalf of the most vulnerable members of our society.
“I look forward to working with my parliamentary colleagues, regardless of party, who share a reverence for life,” says Bruinooge. “Together we can promote policies that bear witness to the dignity of all members of our human family.”
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For further comment, please contact Myrrhanda Novak, Director of Communications for Rod Bruinooge, at (204) 984-6787 or at [email protected].
(Image from www.bruinooge.ca)