Abortion memorial planned at Niagara sites

Update: Find a report on these public demonstrations, as well as a link to pictures, at our WeNeedaLAW.ca website here.
NiagarathisWeek.com, Sept 19 2013: A number of youth from across Niagara will be taking part in what’s called a ‘living abortion memorial’ this Saturday at three high profile sets.
But residents weary of seeing graphic images depicting aborted fetuses need not worry; the display promises to be more tactful.
Instead of gory imagery, the memorial will consist of 100 crosses being held by local youth connected with Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Niagara, who will also be carrying a sign reading “each cross represents 1,000 unborn children aborted every year in Canada.”
The memorial is part of a national campaign, weneedalaw.ca, which points out Canada is one of only three countries without any kind of restrictions to abortion and argues that some are needed.
Campaign director Mike Schouten said it was launched in May 2012 and has resulted in local grassroots groups mobilizing across the country.
“Most Canadian are not satisfied with the status quo and would like to see some kind of restrictions in place,” he said. Keep reading here.