Accountability & First Nations: Bill C-575 Moves Forward

By My Canada, March 8 2011: Currently Bill C-575, a private members bill tabled by MP Kelly Block, is being reviewed by the committee before it heads into its third reading and final vote in the House of Commons. It is amazing that this bill has come so far already! If passed, the bill would require all First Nations bands to make public the salaries of chiefs and councillors, many of whom do not tell their band members how much they earn. This lack of transparency has been voiced by many band members on the CTF’s (Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation) Reserve Transparency website.
Making it law for First Nations chiefs and councillors to open their books would only enhance the trust and support for many living on reserves across Canada and improve living conditions for all. Senator Patrick Brazeau is holding an inquiry into aboriginal accountability and says he is prepared to introduce his own private members bill to keep the issue alive.
1. Please pray that this bill will pass through the committee stage so that many First Nation band members can develop accountability with their chiefs and councillors.
2. Since C-575 was just voted to go to committee, we are asking everyone to contact members of the Aboriginal Affairs committee as well as the Clerk to express your support in the passing of C-575. Letters and emails can be sent directly to these individuals. Please email [email protected] to receive your cover letter and further instructions. (Please CC Bruce Stanton and Kelly Block when sending emails, thank you) MP Kelly Block: [email protected]
Chair, Bruce Stanton – [email protected]
Vice Chair, Jean Crowder – [email protected]
Vice Chair, Todd Norma Russell – [email protected]
Member, Larry Bagnell – [email protected]
Member, Marc Lemay – [email protected]
Member, LaVar Payne – [email protected]
Member, Rob Clarke – [email protected]
Member, Yvon Levesque – [email protected]
Member, Greg Rickford – [email protected]
Member, Earl Dreeshen – [email protected]
Member, Anita Neville – [email protected]
Member, John Weston – [email protected]
Julie Pelletier is the Clerk and you can contact her by telephone at 613.996.1173 or by email: [email protected] If you wish to write her a letter you can send it to:
Julie Pelletier
Clerk of the Committee
6th Floor, 131 Queen Street
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6