
Action Item from No Apologies – Urge Your MP to Repeal Section 13 of the Human Rights Code



October 28, 2008

Play this video (below) to hear Gerald Chipeur, the lawyer representing Alberta Pastor Stephen Boissoin, and Tristan Emmanuel from the ECP Centre, calling all Canadians to use this opportunity to repeal Section 13 of the Human Rights Code. This should apply provincially as well, as many of the provincial human rights codes contain provisions very similar to the federal one. The provincial codes need to be changed as well so it is a good idea to also contact your MLA or MPP to urge them to do the same thing (note that the section of the provincial code will have a different name or heading than Section 13). Make it clear to your elected representative that this should be the very minimum that gets done. Some are urging that the commissions be removed all-together as they no longer serve a useful function in society.


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