Alberta Government Asks for Input on New Health Act

The Alberta government’s Ministry of Health and Wellness is asking Albertans for input into its plans for a new health act. You have an opportunity to get inolved by filling in their survey. Keep in mind the issue of abortion funding that we brought forward last year (see below).
Related ARPA Action Item from 2009
By ARPA Canada (April 17, 2009): In light of the economic down turn, the Alberta government has recently announced that it is reviewing which medical services will be receiving funding. It’s decision to cut funding for sex-change operations drew quick and fierce opposition and caused them to backtrack by holding off on this for a year. Now is the time for residents of Alberta to urge the government to cut funding for abortion – a service that ends life rather than preserving or protecting it.
The Canada Health Act requires that provinces freely provide services that are “medically necessary.” Because of intense political pressure from pro-choice activists, all provinces except PEI currently fund abortions done in their hospitals and all but New Brunswick even pay for the abortions done in private “for-profit” clinics. But is abortion medically necessary? Far from it. Pregnancy is both natural and essential for continuing the human race. In almost every case, the most healthy and natural choice would be to allow a pregnancy to go full-term. Violently killing the unborn child through abortion is not a medical necessity. There is no way it should be funded.
Parliaments and Legislatures have the authority to restrict abortion. In fact, in the infamous R v. Morgentaler court case, the Supreme Court made it clear that they expected Parliament to do just that. As Alberta ProLife notes in one of their pamphlets, “the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, headed by Liberal Senator Michael Kirby, states in its interim report, dated March 2001, that ‘the determination of what services meet the requirement of medical necessity is made in each province by the provincial government in conjunction with the medical profession.'”
In Alberta, there have been well over 250,000 abortions that were paid for by tax payers. Every day, the equivalent of a classroom full of children dies in that province alone because of abortion. For more statistics, check out the helpful resources from Alberta ProLife here.
Given that the Alberta government is now considering which services to fund, we have to take advantage of this opportunity and urge them to de-fund abortions.
Take Action Soon: Please consider two action items:
1) Write a letter to the editor of your local paper, bringing this issue to the attention of the public.
2) Phone, write, and email your MLA, the Minister of Health, and the Premier:
Minister of Health, the Honourable Mr. Gene Zwozdesky
Legislature Office
#208 Legislature Building
10800 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
Canada T5K 2B6
Phone: (780) 427-3665
Fax: (780) 415-0961
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Premier, the Honourable Ed Stelmach
Mail: Office of the Premier
Room 307, Legislature Building
10800 – 97th Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5K 2B6
Phone: (780) 427 2251
Fax: (780) 427 1349