Alberta is Talking About the HRCs

Things have gotten interesting in Alberta . In rapid-fire succession, several events have pushed the need for reform or removal of the human rights commission and tribunal to the forefront of the public consciousness. Editorials, letters-to-the-editor, talk shows, and water cooler discussions are coming fast and furious in support or in opposition.
In rapid-fire succession, several events have pushed the need for reform or removal of the human rights commission and tribunal to the forefront of the public consciousness Editorials, letters-to-the-editor, talk shows, and water cooler discussions are coming fast and furious in support or in opposition And this is exactly what Stand Up For Freedom hopes to generate across the country
It all began at the Wildrose Alliance’s two-day Annual General Meeting in Calgary on June 25th and 26th There, the provincial party not only dropped the “Alliance” from their name, they adopted a policy plank to abolish the human rights commission and send complaints under the act to the courts