Alberta: Opportunity to Shape the Education System

In 2012 we were very thankful to see the Alberta government heed the call of many parents and introduce an Education Act that was not shackled to the problematic Human Rights Act. Now you have an opportunity to take part in a survey from the Ministry of Education to shape how this Act is applied. This is important, as the Ministry is in the process of making new regulations. In other words, this is where the rubber hits the road and the theory of the Act has to be applied to the practical reality of day-to-day education.
You can find the survey here If you don’t have much time to complete it, you can just fill in the portion about school choice. Parents for Choice in Education has compiled a simple explanation of how to fill in just this part of the survey. Find that here.
Please don’t put this off or leave it to others. We often hear people lament that they don’t know what to do about all the changes going on in society. Here is a simple opportunity to have a direct impact. Take it!