All Candidates Meeting

All Candidates Meeting
On May 24th ARPA Niagara hosted an all candidates meeting for Haldimand Norfolk at Rosa Flora (local business). The evening was a very successful. We have seven candidates running in our riding and we where blessed to have 5 out of 7 attend the meeting. We were also blessed to have 100 or so people attend the meeting (which was surprising considering there was a school membership meeting that night) being a 50/50 split of the local community and our church community. We allowed people to write questions down for the candidates and had very good participation. We had 24 questions written down of which we where able to ask and get answers to about half. The candidates where very open to answering these questions in an informative and honest manner. After the close of the evening the candidates also hung around and chatted with the public. Overall the evening went off without a hitch! – Chris, Niagara