An Open Letter to the Attorney General of Ontario from Gordon Truscott

CHP Communiqué Vol 17, No 20 May 18, 2010: In 2000, I self-published a book entitled, Alone: a grandmother’s struggle for life, about the childhood, passion and dedication of Linda Gibbons who for many years has valiantly, yet peacefully, opposed abortion. Today, Linda is in jail in Ontario again for her peaceful protest. Linda speaks from experience. Her second pregnancy was terminated with an abortion. Today, she has three adult children, several grandchildren and now, a great grandson whom she has yet to see as he was born during her present incarceration.
Linda Gibbons has saved over 100 human lives from Canada’s unborn baby slaughterhouse, many of these children of course, totally unaware of their debt to her. She simply spoke one-on-one with their mothers, explaining that if the mother would consent to give birth that she would not have to bear the guilt that Linda does. She tells women what their doctors have usually not told them — about the complications they might experience after their abortion — but only to those women willing to give Linda the time to speak. Linda’s crime, for which she is in prison, is telling the known and scientifically documented emotional, mental and physical truth of abortion complications.
Canada has killed well over 3,000,000 of its youngest, most vulnerable citizens in the womb. I have yet to meet any woman who can honestly tell me that her abortion has had no adverse physical, emotional or mental effect on her. Why does Canada traffic in the ill health of women?
The cost of providing “free” abortions is staggering. Much more than $50,000,000 of taxpayers’ money gets spent each year to procure the more than 100,000 abortions — to say nothing of the cost of destroying valuable human life and potential as if it were simply unwanted tissue. And who can measure the cost to women haunted by this ‘unwanted tissue’? We have no way to measure the heartache, the loss of function, the multitude of complications and the emotional upset to women.
Successive governments, through either lack of desire to stop abortion, or through capricious laws which protect the economic interests of abortionists, have heaped untold damage upon millions of women, while simultaneously restricting the outreach of those, like Linda, who want to offer real help.
To offer hope to women outside an abortion facility is a crime. There is no freedom of speech for anyone to peacefully and respectfully ask women if they wish to speak with someone before having an abortion. Why is this? Why can Canadians not speak freely in the arbitrary zone around abortion facilities? Why has the protection of the economic interests of abortionists been enshrined in law?
Linda’s current case will be heard by a panel of three judges on June 2nd and 3rd. It is her appeal against the ‘temporary’ injunction of 1994 prohibiting anyone from standing in an arbitrary 60-foot zone around an abortion facility. This must be the longest ‘temporary’ injunction on the books.
When I published my book in 2000, a police officer stated that Linda had already spent more time in prison for her peaceful witness than a person who uses a gun to hold up a variety store. Linda, who has never so much as frowned at a woman contemplating an abortion, let alone blocked her way, has now spent more than seven years in maximum security prisons. In this most recent incarceration, if it ends on June 3rd, Linda will have spent exactly 500 days in jail, due mostly to false charges and abuses of the judicial process.
I call upon the Attorney General for Ontario to investigate and end the heavy-handed treatment this caring woman has received at the hands of the Ontario justice system for the crime of loving Ontario women enough to give them the information that no one else will.
Yours truly,
Gordon Truscott
The CHP invites you to write a letter to the Attorney General for Ontario protesting the treatment of Linda Gibbons at the hands of the Ontario legal system, and to support Linda Gibbons with a letter. Click here for their addresses.