“Anti-Bullying” Legislation Comes to Manitoba

ARPA Note: Although under the guise of anti-bullying, it is rather clear that this legislation has much more to do with promoting alternative sexual lifestyles than promoting safe schools.
Canadian Press, Dec 4 2012: WINNIPEG – Manitoba schools will soon have to take new steps to combat bullying and promote diversity.
The NDP government has introduced a bill that would require school employees, volunteers and others to report any bullying incident to the principal, including online activity.
Education Minister Nancy Allan says the bill is partly in response to the death of Amanda Todd, a British Columbia girl who committed suicide in October after being tormented through social media.
The proposed law would also require school boards to ensure their policies about student Internet use include anti-bullying measures.
As well, the bill would require every school board in the province to accommodate students who want to set up groups that promote equality for people based on gender, race or sexual orientation. Keep reading