
Are you praying for our leaders?



January 14, 2015

From GentleReformation:

It is easy to become frustrated with politics and government. It is easy for us to throw up our hands as Christians and say, “Well, politics is not the essence of Christ’s kingdom, so I’m just not going to invest much (if any) energy there.” Some find it discouraging because it seems that we are often “losing” political battles. But friends, we are only really losing when we are unfaithful to Jesus. Even the martyrs know that they won even though they lost in the face of persecution from earthly authorities as they stood for truth (Revelation 6:9-10). If we are being faithful in Christ, then we are always winning. So, it might be a good time to ask if you are being faithful to God’s call on your life with respect to your leaders, especially as lawmakers take up their work afresh across our land in the month of January. Finish reading this article on the GentleReformation site by clicking read more.

In the article, the author encourages his readers to contact a government leader and to ask how you can pray for them. We can help you do that. Click here for an EasyMail to your Member of Parliament asking how you can pray for him or her. And to contact your provincial MLA/MPP to send a similar note, click on your province below.

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