
ARPA files factum at the Supreme Court



March 11, 2014

On Thursday, March 6, ARPA Canada’s legal counsel filed the written legal arguments for our Christian coalition, the Association of Christian Educators and Schools (ACES) Canada at the Supreme Court of Canada in regards to the Loyola case. You can read all about the case and what it means for Christian education here and here. For those interested in reading our written legal arguments, please see the attachment below. We covet your prayers, that the legal arguments may be fully considered, that the judges’ hearts may be open to the Truth, that ARPA might be granted the opportunity to make oral arguments at the hearing, and that ultimately this entire project might be for the glory of God and the benefit of His church. We thank you for your support as we thank Him for His support and goodness. 

Freedom of Religion, Independent Education, Loyola Email Us 

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