Prayer Request: ARPA Intervention at the Supreme Court of Canada

Today, ARPA Canada filed a Notice of Motion with the Supreme Court of Canada to be granted intervenor status in a very important case that will be before the Court later this year. We are asking our readers to please pray for God’s blessing over our application to intervene and for wisdom and discretion to the judge considering it so that the freedom to publicly apply our faith in Canada can be maintained.
The case, Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission v. William Whatcott will affect whether Christians have the freedom to apply their faith to social/political action when the action is found to be offensive to others. ARPA Canada’s Memorandum of Law that was submitted with the Notice of Motion argues that freedom of political expression is fundamental to a democracy and to our obedience to live as Christians in a secular society. Although we do not try to offend, the very principles of God’s Word are now considered offensive to many.
This case is very important to us because the Court will be examining whether a section of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code (and by extension all of the other human rights acts/codes that give so much power to the human rights commissions and tribunals) is unconstitutional. There is a potential for the Supreme Court to either uphold or strike down these sections of the human rights acts that have resulted in Christians (like Stephen Boissoin) being charged for publicly voicing their beliefs about a social or political issue. Learn more here. There is much at stake for Reformed Christians.
It will be some time before we find whether the Court will accept our Motion. Regardless of the oucome, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to submit our legal arguments at this stage so that at least they will be read by the Court.
Please keep this case and our application in your prayers.
To the Honour of our King,
The ARPA Canada team
P.S. ARPA Canada wishes to thank Ottawa lawyer Albertos Polizogopulos and our soon-to-be Ontario Director André Schutten for their excellent work in preparing our submissions to the Court.