ARPA Oxford Hosts Abortion Memorial

The following is a press release issued by ARPA Oxford about their recent abortion memorial.
Memorial to aborted pre-born Canadians raised on Hwy. 3
Dozens of men, women and children have helped to build an abortion memorial in Elgin County. The memorial was built March 29 by the Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) Oxford in a highly visible location on Highway 3 just east of Aylmer. The goal of the memorial is to trigger discussions on Canada’s status quo of unrestricted and publicly funded abortion-on-demand.
“In Canada, abortion is legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy and paid for by our tax dollars,” said James Van Gurp, vice-chairman of ARPA Oxford. “We’re hoping that pro-lifers and abortion supporters alike will be given reason to reflect on the 100,000 pre-born Canadians killed in the womb every year.”
The memorial consists of 100 white crosses set in hay bales and includes signs from the campaign and ARPA Oxford. Another billboard shows a pre-born child in the womb and includes a Scripture quote from Psalm 139. Each cross represents one thousand pre-born babies aborted in Canada every year.
The abortion memorial is part of a larger campaign sponsored by ARPA Canada to facilitate discussions about abortion around the country. Another display in Oxford County is planned for the coming months.
Last year, ARPA Oxford’s first memorial near Woodstock generated much feedback and discussion.
“Until they saw our memorial, many we heard from hadn’t realized that that Canada is one of only three countries in the world with no law on abortion,” noted ARPA Oxford board member Jonathon Van Maren. “They recognize that this status quo is unacceptable and that it’s time we begin protecting our pre-born citizens.”
ARPA Oxford’s mandate is to educate, equip, and encourage Reformed Christians to political action and to bring a biblical perspective to our civil authorities. The organization’s ongoing work will also engage the general public on a variety of issues while complementing the work of like-minded organizations.