ARPA Submission to Finance Committee

As we alerted readers previously, the “House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance is inviting Canadians to participate in its annual pre-budget consultation process. The 2010 consultations will result in a report to be tabled in the House of Commons in late fall 2010, and the suggestions by Canadians as well as the recommendations by the Committee will be considered by the Minister of Finance in the development of the 2011 federal budget.” Attached is ARPA Canada’s 5 page submission, including the following paragraph that expalins why this matters to us:
Why should a Christian organization be addressing Canada’s budget? We recognize that the budget is a moral document, a testimony to what our nation values. All policy decisions are based on a worldview that gives direction and guidance. The budget is no different. It is impossible to make decisions about where our finances go without a broader understanding of what the role of the state is in relation to the other institutions that function in society. It is impossible not to mix religion and politics when it comes to making a budget. Your decisions must be guided by a worldview. That is why we are beginning our submission with this broader discussion of the role of the state before drawing out some specific recommendations.