Ask Your MP to support M-47

On Monday, October 24, the folks at Hope for the Sold held a Parliamentary screening of Over 18 in Ottawa. There were almost 50 people in attendance, including MPs, Senators, and
staffers, representing a cross-section from all 5 parties. This is a very decent turnout for a Parliamentary event, considering the hectic schedules of MPs and Senators. Many of you encouraged your MP to attend – thank you! Read the update from Hope for the Sold here.
We have a few short weeks left to engage with MPs and ask them to support this important motion before it goes to a vote in early to mid December.

Pictured L-R: Joel Oosterman (MP Viersen’s office), David Paisley (Over 18 Executive Producer), MP Arnold Viersen, Michelle & Jay Brock (founders of Hope for the Sold)
Please take action in one or more of the following ways:
- Send an EasyMail letter:
- Click here to view all available letters, including a blank letter for you to fill in yourself.
- Be sure to select the map of Canada as this is being dealt with by MPs, not your provincial representative.
- Click here to go directly to our letter titled “M-47 Motion regarding Online Violent Sexually Explicit Materials”
- Type in your postal code to find your MP, click “Next” and then you will find a pre-written letter that is yours to personalize and send.
- New to EasyMail? Watch a detailed tutorial here. Just need a refresher? Click here to watch an abbreviated tutorial.
- Click here to view all available letters, including a blank letter for you to fill in yourself.
- Collect signatures on the official government written petition:
- Download a copy from our website by clicking here.
- Keep in mind that all signatures must be original (photocopies are not accepted) and must fit within the lines – if you need more space, print more copies. Petitions that do not meet these standards may be deemed unacceptable by Parliament.
- Write a letter to your MP:
- Another option to interacting with your MP is to write him or her a handwritten letter. You may use our EasyMail letters as a template, but be sure to customize it.
- Call your MP:
- Call during office hours to express your concerns, or call after-hours and leave a voicemail.
- Engage on social media:
- Many MPs have facebook pages and twitter profiles. You can usually find this information by searching for their name on Google and finding their website, where they will have links to their social media profiles.
- Tweet a simple question to them: “@JustinTrudeau Will you vote in favour of #m47 to help protect our children online?”
- Send them a message through their facebook page.
- Ask your friends to do the same!