B.C. City Proclaims “Protect Human Life Week”

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski
KELOWNA, BC, September 9, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Canadian city of Kelowna in the province of British Columbia has once again proclaimed Sept 26 – Oct 4, 2009 as “Protect Human Life Week.”
Mayor Sharon Shepherd recently signed the proclamation, making 2009 the second consecutive year in which the city has given official endorsement to a week of pro-life activities which promote dignity and respect for all human beings from the moment of conception to natural death.
“Protect Human Life Week makes the statement that all human life is sacred from beginning to end,” said Marlon Bartram, the Executive Director of The Kelowna Right to Life Society.
“The abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide mentality purports that inflicting death is an acceptable way to deal with difficult life circumstances or to end suffering. We’re here to say ‘no,’ the taking of innocent human life is always a serious ethical wrong. Offering compassion, and not death, is the appropriate response to life’s difficulties.”
Kelowna Right to Life has a variety of activities planned for the week, including the opening “Walk for Life” fundraiser in Mission Creek Regional Park on Saturday, September 26, a “Pro Life 101” educational seminar on October 1st, and an expanded “Okanagan Pro Life Film Festival” on October 2 and 3 at the New Life Church and the Okanagan College Theatre room.
The week closes with the annual “Life Chain,” which is held in conjunction with communities across North America annually on the first Sunday in October.
Visit the Kelowna Right to Life website here for more details on the week’s events.