Bill 10 undermines parental rights and the free society

Update (April 28, 2015): The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has issued a press release stating that Bill 10 violates the Charter, read it online here. They have also released a thirteen page report that analyzes Bill 10 in light of the Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling in the Loyola v. Quebec case.
Update (April 7, 2015): The PCE has issued another paper on the issue of GSAs in Alberta. This paper questions the quantity, quality, and nature of research currently being used to support the effective imposition, through legislation, of Gay-Straight Alliances on all of Alberta’s schools. You can read this paper here.
Albertan parents, and all freedom-loving citizens of the province, must speak up about Bill 10. ARPA Canada is here to help you do that. We have produced a number of helpful resources so that all citizens can speak clearly about the issue.
To read the actual text of Bill 10, you can find a copy of the legislation as tabled and amended before Christmas here, and see the even more problematic amendments introduced and passed on March 10 here.
First, we direct you to a resource from Parents for Choice in Education. This document is a lengthy critique of Bill 10 from a non-Christian perspective. It is a helpful resource.
Second, we share with you an op-ed written by our lawyer on the political philosophy undergirding the Bill – what’s shocking is that Bill 10 is so Statist, and yet even the more Libertarian Wildrose voted for it. Make sure your Conservative or Wildrose MLA knows what you think of their political principles.
Third, we share a uniquely Christian critique of Bill 10. This longer document is a clarion call to Christians to stand up and speak out.
Fourth, we share a legal analysis of Bill 10 in light of the recent win for religious freedom in education at the Supreme Court of Canada in the Loyola case.
And finally, we remind you that we have three different EasyMail letters you can use to email your MLA to voice your concerns. Please do not simply send one and leave it. Ensure you get a response. Ensure your MLA knows this issue is a voting issue for you. Ask your MLA what they will do for you and your children and your community.
And, as always, we encourage you to continue to pray with us for freedom and liberty to raise our children in the fear of the Name of our Creator. May He mercifully preserve freedom in this country.