Bill C-304 Passes Vote

Bill C-304, An Act to Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (protecting freedom), passed a vote at report stage in Parliament on May 9 th , 149-129. This bill, sponsored by Alberta MP Brian Storseth, aims to repeal the most contentious clause of the CHRA, Section 13. Similar to the vote at second reading, the yeas and nays were disappointingly split along party lines, with Liberal MP Scott Simms the only opposition MP to vote with the governing Conservatives to protect our freedom of expression.
, 149-129. This bill, sponsored by Alberta MP Brian Storse, aims to repeal e most contentious clause of e CHRA, Section 13. Similar to e vote at second reading, e yeas and nays were disappointingly split along party lines, wi Liberal MP Scott Simms e only opposition MP to vote wi e governing Conservatives to protect our freedom of expression. Our Prime Minister again rose in support of is bill.