Confirmed: Advisory Council Has Voted to Award Order of Canada to Abortionist Henry Morgentaler

Pro-life organizations and the public appear to have been deliberately blind-sided by sudden decision for major holiday weekend
OTTAWA, June 29, 2008 ( – LifeSiteNews has received confirmation through various sources that the Order of Canada Advisory Council has indeed voted to award the Order of Canada to notorious abortionist and militant atheist Henry Morgentaler today or tomorrow. There is reported to be a movement among Members of Parliament and others to attempt to stop the award or at least protest it as being inappropriate and against the opinion of a majority of Canadians.
In an article in the National Post today, columnist Douglas Farrow reports that “The decision, which is to be announced in time for Canada Day, is clearly not driven by popular demand. For example, an online poll by the Globe and Mail, with over 300,000 respondents, went 92% to 8% against giving the award to Morgentaler.”
The public and leaders of various organizations opposed to the granting of the Order of Canada to Morgentaler seem to have been deliberately blind-sided by this sudden development over Canada’s major annual holiday weekend when most are pre-occupied by family and community activities. Nevertheless, pro-life organizations are scrambling to get as many people as possible to inundate the Governor General, the Prime Minister and Canada’s MPs with emails and telephone calls protesting the decision.
See yesterday’s LifeSiteNews report with contact information:
Canadian Pro-Life Groups Appalled that Abortionist Morgentaler May be Awarded Order of Canada July 1st
See Doug Farrow article in the National Post:
Douglas Farrow: “Henry Morgentaler’s Canada is not my Canada”…