De-funding abortion in Alberta

From the Alberta Pro-Life Newsletter (July 26/09): Alberta Pro-Life is launching a lobby campaign to change the way abortion is funded in Alberta. We need your help like never before! This is a grassroots campaign to de-fund abortion in Alberta. Alberta Pro-Life wants to bring together the entire pro-life community in Alberta, with a dedication and commitment we haven’t seen in years. As costs of funding health services continue to rise, there are rumblings of a review of what procedures should be funded or de-funded under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Program. Paying for abortions (rarely medically required) gobbles up $6-8 million dollars annually.
Think about it…you and I, as taxpayers, are on the hook for this $6-8 million! At the same time as Alberta Health Care is paying to abort 12,000 Alberta children, medically required procedures like MRI scans are being cut back. Is there something wrong with that picture?! Doctor shortages which have prompted the closure of Medicentres in Edmonton and Calgary are symptoms of a badly managed health care system. It’s time to stop paying for what is not necessary and keep paying for what IS medically necessary! Abortions are not necessary, MRIs are necessary.
Write to Health Minister Ron Liepert to demand that abortion procedures be de-funded. Write to The Hon. Ron Liepert, Minister of Health and Wellness, 323 Legislature Building, 10800-97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5J 2B6. Please send copies to Premier Ed Stelmach, 307 Legislature Building, 10800-97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB., T5J 2B6.
Give financially or volunteer your time or expertise to help Alberta Pro-Life in this crucial campaign to de-fund abortion.
Alberta Pro-Life, Box 11479, Edmonton, AB T5J 3K5 or e-mail [email protected] or call us at 780-421-7747 or 1-877-880-5433