Euthanasia supporters worry about misuse: poll

Action Item: Life Canada, the sponsors of this poll, is encouraging ARPA readers to get these findings out into the public through letters to the editor, letters to your MP, or by forwarding the press release (attached below) on to your local media.
By Charles Lewis, National Post, Nov 3/09: A majority of Canadians strongly in favour of legalized euthanasia are still concerned that the sick, disabled and elderly could be put to death without consent, a new poll has found.
The Environics Research Group poll found 61% of all Canadians, and 75% of Quebecers, approve of legalized euthanasia — figures that have been fairly consistent for the past several years. But the poll also revealed that support may be weaker once respondents are asked to consider the potential consequences of such a law. [Keep reading this article from the National Post here.]