
Grassroots Campaign on worship services in Ontario



March 16, 2021

After lockdowns last Spring and again this past Winter, Ontario has returned to the colour-coded system with most regions returning to either ‘red’, ‘orange’, or ‘yellow’ zones. As a result, churches in those regions are now able to meet again with a 30% capacity cap for worship services. Some congregations in areas like Toronto, Peel, and Lambton remain in the ‘grey’ zone – under lockdown. As such, we were happy to hear the announcement on March 12 that allows for a 15% capacity for in-person worship servcies while a region is in the ‘grey’ zone. A welcome improvement to be sure.
Church communities and the work of our churches amongst their members and their neighbourhoods remains limited by these capacity requirements.

As a result of ongoing limits and restrictions, our church communities and the work of our churches amongst their members and their neighbourhoods remains limited by these capacity requirements.

With the threat of a third wave and a third lockdown, would you join us in calling on the Ontario Government to expand worship services and recognize the Church as essential?

We particularly appreciate the approach and tone that the Alberta government previously took in applying their church reopening policy (though they have since deviated from this course) :

“We also recognize that places of worship are structured environments with respected leaders who will work with their congregation to ensure measures are in place. Attendance caps have been removed with the knowledge that each faith community’s leadership will be responsible for ensuring that measures are taken to prevent spread within their community.”[1]

If you are wondering why ARPA Canada is advocating for in-person worship services during a pandemic? Read this article for an explanation.

What can I do?

  1. Send this EasyMail to your MPP encouraging them to relay your concerns to the Ontario Government about expanding services.

Send the EasyMail now!

2. A petition has been circulating in relation to worship services in Ontario. We believe it is worth supporting. Download it below. It includes a page with instructions.

Download the printable petition here!

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