Great News! Another Pro-life Motion in Parliament

Press release from, September 27, 2012:
Surrey, BC – On the heels of a historic vote in the House of Commons on whether a study should be conducted into the definition of a human being, Conservative MP Mark Warawa has introduced a motion calling on Parliament to condemn sex-selective abortions.
Mr. Warawa said in a statement released earlier today that, “92% of Canadians believe sex-selective pregnancy termination should be illegal.”’s mission is to work with Parliamentarians and Canadians in building support for legislation that upholds preborn human rights. “Motion 408 is something I would expect the vast majority of Canadians should support,” said director, Mike Schouten.
“Sex-selective abortion violates the high standard of human rights Canada is known for upholding and it’s appropriate for Parliamentarians to condemn this misogynistic practice,” continued Schouten.
Multiple studies have been conducted in Canada as to the prevalence of female-feticide and the results are shocking. “The Canadian Medical Association found that many more boys than girls are being born in some Canadian ethnic communities. They found that by the time a third child was born the male-to-female ratio for Indian-born mothers was as high as 136 boys for every 100 girls,” said Schouten.
Canadians reacted with horror at these findings and a subsequent CBC investigation in June found that women were being abused and coerced to have an abortion when the sex of the child was determined. “This motion couldn’t have come at a better time. Especially considering that a few weeks from now Canada will help to celebrate the first ever “International Day of the Girl”. The international community has come together in recognizing that discrimination towards girls should not be tolerated. Now Parliament has an opportunity to also condemn this unfair discrimination in Canada,” said Schouten.
All the national political parties condemned sex-selective abortion after the CBC investigation. In fact, shortly after yesterday’s vote on Motion 312, Minister for Status of Women, Rona Ambrose tweeted that one of the reasons she supported the motion was to draw attention to sex-selective abortions.“We will certainly use this opportunity to engage Canadians as to the human rights violations carried out against pre-born children and will work hard to build support for Motion 408,” concluded Schouten.
-30- is a national campaign with a goal to create a groundswell of support for federal abortion legislation.
For interview requests and/or further comment please call Mike Schouten @ 778.321.2457