Dad to withdraw human rights complaint about school Bible club

Update from the story below (By Sheila Reynolds, Surrey Leader): A Surrey dad who was twice denied permission to start a Bible study club at his sons’ school says he now plans to withdraw the human rights complaint he filed against the Surrey School District. Cloverdale dad Paul Jubenvill said the results of having gone to the media with his story have made him regret his decision to file the complaint with the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal on Dec. 1.
[Keep reading this article here.]
By Kent Spencer, Canwest News Service A Surrey man wants the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal to open his sons’ elementary school’s doors to a Bible study group. Paul Jubenvill launched a complaint with the tribunal on Dec. 1 after the Colebrook Elementary School turned down his request for a lunchtime meeting on Christianity with whoever wanted to attend. Jubenvill, a 35-year-old software designer, argues his freedom of religion is guaranteed under the Canadian Human Rights Act. [Keep reading this article here.]