International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Nov. 10, 2011, André Schutten – In Canada, we have so many freedoms, so much to be thankful for. Sometimes I wonder though, whether we are taking these freedoms for granted. We have the freedom of speech, but are we speaking about the gospel enough? We have the freedom of religion, but are we worshiping publicly enough? We have the freedom of assembly, but are we gathering together as Christians enough?
Hundreds of thousands of Christians all over this world are literally slaughtered for doing these things (an average of 170,000 a year in the last 10 years), because they recognize that they are called to do these things: speak, worship, gather. Over 200,000,000 Christians are persecuted for living out their faith in Jesus Christ. They loose their homes, their property, their money, their reputation, their standing, their jobs, their children. How do we measure up? Are we willing to lose money, or reputation, or family for His sake? When thinking of our rights and freedoms, the old adage, “if you don’t use it, you’ll loose it” comes to mind. How much longer will God bless us with these fundamental freedoms of religion, speech and assembly, if we don’t use them to their full potential?
This coming Sunday, we have opportunity to pray for the persecuted church. Over 500,000 churches in 150 countries around the world will join in prayer on Sunday, November 13 to petition the Governor of this world to strengthen and protect His church. As I have emphasized in each of my presentations this fall, prayer is the single most effective, efficient and powerful means of political action. Each of us can do it. Each of us must do it. This Sunday, ask your pastor to pray for the persecuted church. This Sunday, at your supper table, talk about your brothers and sisters who die for the name of Jesus Christ every day. Remember them, lest we forget.
For more information on the international day of prayer for the persecuted church, see the EFC’s media release here.