Joy Smith Gives Update on Bill C-268 (human trafficking)
March 16, 2010

Dear friends,
I would like to provide you with an update on Bill C-268. This afternoon after 3:00pm EST, the Honourable Senator Yonah Martin will move Bill C-268 at Second Reading and give an opening speech. The next step is for the Liberal Opposition Senators to appoint a spokesperson for C-268. Following their speech this, Bill C-268 will be sent to a Senate Committee before returning to the Senate for Third Reading and final approval. Again, I thank you for your continued support and efforts to stop human trafficking. We are getting closer to see this important legislation becoming law, closer to giving young victims confidence that their traffickers will be put away for at least 5 years. We are making progress and your voice is being heard!
Joy Smith, MP
Kildonan – St. Paul