Judge: “The citizens of this province are entitled to certainty when it comes to exercise of their fundamental rights.”

The Alberta Court of Appeal decision in the case of Stephen Boissoin needs to be spread far and wide. All three judges on the court agreed that not only was the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal wrong to censor free speech, they put the onus directly on the Alberta government to clean up the mess of the Alberta Human Rights Code . Premier Redford had promised to introduce reforms and has not done anything yet. And given that most other provinces have codes that look much the same as Alberta’s, the same message should needs to be sounded loud and clear across this nation.
Freedom fighter Ezra Levant discusses the recent decision here and includes some quotes from the judges. It is well worth reading and sharing that article. But even more important, now is the time for all of us to be in touch with our provincial leaders – MLAs, MPPs, and the appropriate ministers. We can explain to them that Brian Storseth’s Bill C-304 made it through the House of Commons and now the provinces can take similar steps. The courts and the Charter are on our side. But they won’t do anything unless they hear the public calling them to action. Be sure to make use of our sample letters and contact information and encourage others to do the same. Best of all, meet with your MLA or MPP over coffee and discuss this openly.