Liberty cannot be permitted to trump life

{easymail 198}Euthanasia is not a dignified answer to end-of-life care
The ARPA staff are preparing to intervene in the Carter v. Canada case at the Supreme Court, which will examine whether Canada’s current laws on euthanasia and assisted suicide will stand or be struck down.
The matter of death is one that affects us all and we are looking to the courts to rule against the legalization of euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide. The value of an individual should never come at the cost of what he or she can contribute to society, but instead in the simple fact that we are all human beings, created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).
The Calgary Herald has once again published an op-ed from ARPA Executive Director, Mark Penninga, Liberty can’t be permitted to trump life.
Calgary Herald – July 14, 2014 – Mark Penninga – A few years ago, I was driving my girlfriend home from a date at a Vancouver Giants hockey game. All was going well until my Mazda 323 started chugging up the Port Mann Bridge to cross the Fraser River.
The bridge was six lanes of speeding traffic, and there was no shoulder on the side of the freeway. My car engine started sputtering and died, just as the bridge turned. Vehicles had almost no time to avoid us, and it seemed that an accident was imminent. My girlfriend hopped out of the car and over the large concrete barrier that separated the cars from the edge of the bridge, so that she would not be hit.
Within minutes, the traffic was stopped in both directions and police officers rushed toward us. Flashing lights were everywhere. Apparently someone had called 911, reporting that a jumper was on the bridge. We had to explain that there was no jumper — we just ran out of gas. Keep Reading