Life Chain 2010: Success in Langley and Grimsby

Another LifeChain has come and gone and once again members of Canada’s Reformed churches played an important role in the annual testimony to Canada’s unborn on our city streets. The article below, from the Langley Advance, recounts the success of the LifeChain in that city, where about 450+ people came out, over half of which came from the local Canadian Reformed churches.
The Langley LifeChain was moved from Sunday to Saturday and the numbers increased. But that hasn’t been the case everywhere. Other cities have moved their LifeChain to Saturday to accomodate Reformed churches but had a significantly reduced involvement. Others, like the one in Grimsby, Ontario moved the LifeChain time so that it wouldn’t conflict with the worship services.
The Grimsby organizers reported that “In spite of the cold, windy weather, we had another fabulous turnout at the Grimsby Life Chain! Approximately 200 people of all ages lined the corners of Christie St and Main St in Grimsby to witness to the sanctity of human life and to pray for an end to abortion in this country and around the world. We know that God hears the prayers of those who call upon Him in faith and we know that he will answer those prayers according to His will and infinite wisdom. Our plea to you would be to continue to fight the good fight!”
Participating in a local LifeChain is a powerful reminder to Canadians that this issue isn’t something we can hide and forget about. ARPA Canada’s hope is that this grows in cities across the country so that Canada’s eyes are opened up to the reality of abortion’s injustice. As many Christians and churches increasinly run away from anything considered “political” the Reformed church community can show by example that God’s children always have a duty to stand up for the truth in love.
Life Chain on 200th: Hundreds of people lined both sides of 200th Street Saturday afternoon, to send a pro-life message to motorists.
Langley Advance, October 8, 2010
Approximately 450 men, women, and children lined the sidewalks holding signs reading: “Abortion Kills Children,” “Abortion Hurts Women,” “Adoption a loving option” and “Pregnant? Need Help? Call 1-877-88-WOMAN”.
Their goal was to increase awareness in Langley that unborn children have intrinsic value and that their lives need protecting, said Life Chain coordinator Jaclyn Penninga.
“We are here because we grieve the fact that approximately 100,000 unborn children are aborted each year in Canada,” Penninga said. “We grieve because there are so many parents willing to adopt these children and provide a loving home for them. We grieve because women are not told about the post-abortion depression and guilt that many of them deal with after the fact.”
According to Life Chain, Canada is the only western nation without any sort of restrictions on abortion throughout the nine months of pregnancy.
Polls continue to show that the majority of Canadians don’t not agree with the status quo and would like to see some restriction on abortion, Life Chain states.
The Life Chain occurred in cities all over North America this past weekend with the goal of reminding Canadians that there are still many citizens who have a heart for the unborn, the elderly, and the disabled, and who care for those suffering from the hurt of abortion.