Life Hike

Life Hike
Steinbach is a small city in southern Manitoba and every year they host a Life Hike in support of the lives of all human beings. The previous record for attendance was 160 and this year they attracted more than 400 people to their event! Among the attendees was Member of Parliament Ted Falk. Later that same day Mr. Falk post this message to his Facebook page:
Close to 500 Pro-Life supporters attended the annual LifeHike today in Steinbach.
Many Canadians don’t realize that Canada sits among a tiny number of countries, like North Korea, who have no restrictions on abortion. We need to look to our friends and allies across the world and ask ourselves, as Canadians, why our international counterparts afford protection for the pre-born and why we do not.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this great event today!
Ken McAllister, a member of the organizing committee had this to say when he learned the numbers had exceeded 400:
I praise God for the record 407 people who participated in Saturday’s annual Steinbach Life Hike! We will continue to pursue compassion, equal rights, and ethical choices for all living humans in Canada! Thank you to our special guest speakers and our local Life’s Vision Board of Directors.
What a success story! And we praise God too! If you host a similar event in your town or city please share at [email protected].