Manitoba: Stand Up for Parental Rights

If there remains any doubt about whether the entire Manitoba education system is under attack, consider this recent story from the Winnipeg Free Press: “The union leadership representing Manitoba’s 15,000 public school teachers wants all provincial education curricula to reflect sexual orientation and gender-identity issues. A resolution to go before the annual general meeting of the Manitoba Teachers’ Society May 23 to 25 would call on the Department of Education to ‘ensure that same-sex families and LBGTTQ (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, two-spirited, queer) people and themes are reflected in all curricula.’ All Manitoba schools, regardless of whether they are public or private, must follow provincial curricula.”
Although such an extreme imposition of secularism may sound unrealistic, note that BC made similar changes to the BC curriculum in recent years, without changing any laws and with very little public opposition (though independent schools in BC have a different curriculum and were spared some of the changes). Through the TakeBackOurSchools campaign, ARPA worked alongside similar organizations to combat these changes but it was too little and too late. Please don’t allow the same thing to happen in Manitoba!
We are grateful to have been in touch with some of you who are making plans to present before the legislative committee on Bill 18. Hundreds of you also used our EasyMail letter to contact your MLA about this legislation. Others asked for help with meeting with your MLAs.
This is all excellent. But we strongly encourage you to go further. This isn’t just about protecting “our” schools or “our” children from worldviews we disagree with. Loving our neighbour means that we should be also motivated to protect all Manitoba children from the harmful consequences of self-worship and adults who wish to have all children condone their lifestyles.
Take Action: If you have not read our talking points on Bill 18, find them here. Then get together with others from your community and sit down with your MLA to discuss it. We also encourage you (especially the Winnipeg and Carman ARPA groups) to request to appear before the committee. This can be done on behalf of a group or as an individual. We just contacted the office of the clerk today and were informed that they will continue to add people to the list. Most of all, we ask you to pray! May God soften the hearts of our leaders so that they bend their knees in reverence to Him.