March for Life – AB 2018

March for Life – Edmonton 2018
We broke our record! Yes, you read this right. This year, Edmonton March for Life broke record of attendance. We had 3000 people at the March for Life event! This year we had 4 more school from Red Deer as well as PICS from Edmonton join us at the March. Despite the cold and rainy weather it was so good to see so many people. I chatted with so many new people, returning ones as well as new ones. We talked about the importance of these events, the disappointment in our government regarding Bill 9, and the lack of care they have for those who are struggling with the thoughts of having an abortion. I chatted with a young girl that said, “If it was not for those people close to the clinic to help me, I would have aborted my child”. We talked about how we need to send in our letters and to be there for those that are struggling. I chatted with a few priests about abortion and they are hoping to get more Catholic churches involved in the March for Life in the next few years. To see such increase in our numbers it was a great day.
Did we have protesters? Absolutely! But these protesters where very polite and we could engage in a good conversation. I am blessed to have gone through the Abortion Awareness Project (through the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform) last year, which me approach these people in a very calm and polite manner. Our students engaged in conversations with other schools and this was good to see. We all stand and protest for the same thing… LIFE! A big thank you to everyone that came, prayed and supported us. All of these work together to make events like this possible.