Marijuana: Personal liberty or State responsibility?

This past year, ARPA’s legal counsel hosted a discussion about marijuana with two political thinkers, Matt Bufton of the Institute for Liberal Studies and Joseph Ben-Ami of the Arthur Meighen Institute. The discussion focused on laws pertaining to marijuana and whether they should liberalized or kept the way they are now. During the discussion, André was able to interject with questions from a Christian perspective, challenging both Matt and Joseph on their positions. Thanks to the able assistance of our IT guy, Nate Bosscher, we have captured the best parts of the discussion on video. Take 30 minutes to watch the discussion and let us know what you think. Should our laws be changed? Removed? Tightened?
For more information on this issue, check out the following resources:
- The House of Commons Standing Committee on Health released a report on the effects of marijuana use in October 2014. You can read the report here.
- On January 30th, 2015 the CBC ran a story about marijuana on The Fifth Estate called Marijuana in Canada: Pot Fiction. We link to it here for your information. ARPA Canada does not necessarily agree with the assumptions and positions of the CBC.
- Here is a breakdown of where each political party stands on the issue.
- Finally, here is an American organization which is advocating for a third way, neither decriminalization nor legalization. Perhaps their legal reform policy recommendations have some implications for Canada?