January 22, 2010

Featured Videos: Featured Videos: More Video: More Video: Conservative Party of Canada votes to remove Section 13 ( video
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- Christian Heritage Party of Canada former leader Ron Gray discusses the complaints against him and his party (video)
- Rex Murphy on the Cartoon controversy (video)
- Ezra Levant interviewed on Glenn Beck (video)
- Mark Steyn interviewed by Mike Duffy (video)
Canada’s Newspaper Take On HRC’s
- Globe and Mail: Human rights cases should be in the courts
- National Post: Here’s hoping Professor Moon reins in the Canadian Human Rights Commission
- McGill Tribune: Tribunals aren’t the way to deal with hate speech
- Montreal Gazette: Rights commission threatens our liberty
- National Post: The Canadian Human Rights Commission’s unbalanced view of critics
- Regina Leader-Post: Attacking freedom of speech
- Ottawa Citizen: Why censorship is impossible in a democracy
- Stephen Boissoin gives his story about how he was charged with an HRC complaint for writing a letter to an editor. (Part 1) (Part 2)