New Pro-Life Groups Seeks to Get Truth about Abortion to Every Mailbox in Canada

ARPA Note: You can help this cause – go to the website below for more information and a means to contact this group.
February 10, 2010 ( – A unique effort is underway by a new Canadian pro-life group to spread the truth about abortion directly to households. The group, “Workers for Life,” has already distributed 5,000 flyers that show the truth about abortion to households in Canada, and is launching an effort to reach every one of the 11 million households in the country. The also hope to extend their efforts into the United States.
“It’s time that people know what really goes on during an abortion,” said Bill Vandewiel, President of Workers for Life. “The picture is not one of beauty but of pain and suffering for both the unborn child and the mother.
“The truth cannot be ignored any longer.”
The method being used by Workers for Life is to deliver so-called “Unaddressed Admail” to homes in a given area via standard postal service. The method, says Vandewiel, is relatively inexpensive and a household can be covered for about the cost of a single color brochure.
In addition, by delivering a pro-life flyer to houses, he says, “adults have time to reflect on the message” and can “share it with young people only if they wish to do so.” Vandewiel says he considers this new work as being complementary to the work of those who witness to the truth about abortion on the streets.
The four-page, full-color flyer that the group currently is using, which is called “It’s a Person,” depicts the wonder of unborn life as well as the gruesome tragedy of abortion.
To reach over 11 Million homes in Canada, and possibly extend that coverage to the United States, Workers for Life says it needs the support of all those who wish to advance the protection of the unborn child.
“There’s no question about it, says Vandewiel. “When the ‘It’s a Person’ flyer reaches a household, no longer will the occupants be able to say, ‘If only I had known’.”
“First impressions are lasting ones and there’s no question that the ‘It’s a Person’ flyer will leave a lasting impression. We feel that this is a great way for pro-life organizations with few people resources to become involved – because we do all the work.”
The group has launched a website at and encourages comments about their work to be submitted to [email protected].